Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Does this blog make me look fat? Never mind. You'll just lie anyway. Besides, this blog might be dedicated to all things shallow, but I'm not as shallow as you might think from some of the posts I write. This is just a little heads-up, actually. A head and torso reminder to check in with me for Creepy Mannequin Photo Wednesday and my upcoming "Happy Birthday, Aries" post. And how come Aries gets a happy birthday post when I never so much as mentiond Pisces and Aquarius and all the other signs of the zodiac when it was time for their birthday cake? You get one guess. That's right. Say hello to your hot-headed, red-blooded Aries blogger and anti-surname activist, Greta. And so now that we've settled that bit of business, you are free to go. Just remember to check back in tomorrow for creepy mannequin photos and Aries obscura, including, but not limited to interesting sexual predilections and obsessions of people born under the Sign of the Ram. Heads up regarding the latter: you have no idea the lengths to which an Aries will go to please someone they deem worthy of their passion. But it's all in tomorrow's post. See you then...same ram time, same ram station. Seriously. I'll be waiting.


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