Well, I'm sure it comes as no surprise to anyone reading this, but I'm always looking for excuses to post shallow nonsense when I should be working on important things. Then again, I do my best work under pressure, so that may change once I have less time on my hands. And why am I telling you all this? Because today has just become the first official Obscure Retro Photo Tuesday. Your welcome.
What better way to kick off our newly (i.e. just now) instituted Obscure Retro Photo Tuesday than with a picture of a stuffed horse? But not just any stuffed horse, of course. The rearing palimono above is none other than Trigger, the faithful steed of 1940s-50's TV and movie cowboy Roy Rogers who rode and sang his way to posterity with cowgirl wife Dale Evans at his side. But as much as Rogers loved Dale, he loved Trigger as well, so much so that when the horse died in 1965, Rogers had him stuffed and put on display at the Roy Rogers museum in Victorville, CA. He did the same for the other member of his on-screen and real life team, Bullet, the German Shepherd, when the time came. The Roy Rogers Museum moved to Branson, MO in 2003, but you can still find Trigger and Bullet there, preserved for perusal by the masses. But don't look for Roy or Dale. As far as I know, the fringe-favoring couple (who passed away in 1998 and 2001, respectively) are not on display.
Happy Trails to you...I mean....Skol!
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